Depunerea MAPLE a unor nano-acoperiri active pentru aplicatii multifunctionale ale aliajului TiTaZrAg
CONTRACT Nr. 605PED/21.06.2022
COD PROIECT: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2884
REZUMAT: Acest proiect se refera la proiectarea, elaborarea si caracterizarea unui nou tip de acoperire inteligenta cu mai multe straturi nano structurate obtinuta prin evaporare cu laser asistata prin matrice (MAPLE) pe substraturi TiTaZrAg, în special cu scopul de a obtine materiale finale cu bio-activare buna si aplicatii multifunctionale. Importanta stiintifica si tehnologica a subiectului proiectului este ca aliajele cuaternare Ti cu elemente rare sunt o clasa promitatoare de aliaje structurale care nu sunt suficient dezvoltate în ciuda capacittaii lor de a opera în conditii agresive, fiind de fapt aliaje cu entropie medie. Proprietatile lor au aparut recent ca materiale alternative pentru a aborda unele dintre problemele nerezolvate cu privire la performanta multifunctionala datorita constituentilor si microstructurii lor. Noii constituenti inovatori ai acoperirilor organico-anorganice vor duce la formarea de materiale avansate cu proprietati îmbunatatite, cum ar fi o rezistenta mai buna la coroziune, proprietati mecanice îmbunatatite si proprietati antibacteriene ridicate, ducând la utilizarea potentiala în aplicatii multifunctionale. Acoperirile vor fi compuse din chitosan (Ch), sticla bioactiva (BG), oxid de grafen (GO), nanoparticule de oxid de titan si zinc (TiO2, ZnO). Ch va servi ca schela purtatoare, BG si / sau GO va servi ca purtatori functionali de grup, iar nanoparticulele propuse vor servi ca amplificatori ai proprietatilor mecanice. Aplicatiile pentru care vom testa testele de acoperire propuse sunt directionate în principal catre dezvoltarea unei platforme de livrare de medicamente specifice, personalizate pentru pacient, o integrare mai buna a implantului si îmbunatatirea proprietatilor de coroziune si mecanice ale dispozitivelor implantate.
OBIECTIVUL PROIECTULUI Scopul principal al prezentei propuneri este de a introduce noi acoperiri avansate capabile sa extinda aplicatiile unui nou aliaj de titan (Ti) folosind o cale eco-nanotehnologica. Ca parte a domeniului de aplicare, obiectivul general const? în gasirea si validarea nanotehnologiilor mai ecologice precum MAPLE capabile sa depuna acoperiri multifunctionale prin îmbunatatirea si marirea proprietatilor aliajelor de TiTaZrAg.
1. balanta analitica 2. chitosan 3. oxid de zinc 4. oxid de grafena
Raport stiintific 2022: view>> 2023: view>> 2024: view>> RAPORT FINAL 2022-2024: view>>
Articole publicate 1. Nartita, R.; Andrei, M.; Ionita, D.; Didilescu, A.C.; Demetrescu, I. Can Graphene Oxide Help to Prevent Peri-Implantitis in the Case of Metallic Implants? Coatings 2022, 12, 1202.view>> 2. Prodana, M.; Ionita, D.; Stoian, A.B.; Demetrescu, I.; Mihai, G.V.; Enachescu, M. The Design and Characterization of New Chitosan, Bioglass and ZnO-Based Coatings on Ti-Zr-Ta-Ag. Coatings 2023, 13, 493.view>>
3. Stoian, A.B.; Nartita, R.; Totea, G.; Ionita, D.; Burnei, C. Complex Bioactive Chitosan–Bioglass Coatings on a New Advanced TiTaZrAg Medium–High-Entropy Alloy. Coatings 2023, 13, 971.view>> 4.Demetrescu, I.; Nartita, R.; Andrei, M.; Didilescu, A.C.; Cimpean, A.; Ionita, D. Technological Aspects and Performance of High Entropy Alloys with Potential Application in Dental Restorations and Reducing Implant Failure. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12000.view>> 5.Nartita, R.; Ionita, D.; Demetrescu, I. A Modern Approach to HEAs: From Structure to Properties and Potential Applications. Crystals 2024, 14, 451.view>> 6.Prodana, M.; Stoian, A.B.; Ionita, D.; Brajnicov, S.; Boerasu, I.; Enachescu, M.; Burnei, C. In-Depth Characterization of Two Bioactive Coatings Obtained Using MAPLE on TiTaZrAg. Materials 2024, 17, 2989.view>>Comunicari la conferinte 1. Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Mariana Prodana, Georgeta Totea, Ioana Demetrescu, Marian Enachescu, Daniela Ionita, Bioapplications of electrosprayed coatings based on chitosan, bioglass and zinc oxide on Ti-Zr-Ta-Ag, 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>> 2. Marius Enachescu, Moise Calin-Constantin, George Avram, Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Mariana Prodana, Daniela Ionita, Multifunctional nano-coatings by MAPLE deposition on titanium alloy for bio-applications, 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>> 3. Mariana Prodana, Marian Enachescu, Moise Calin-Constantin, George Avram, Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Daniela Ionita, Nanocoatings Prepared by MAPLE Deposition Based on Chitosan (Ch), Bioactive Glass (BG), Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO), 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>>
MAPLE deposition of active nanocaoatings for multifunctional applications of TiTaZrAg alloy
CONTRACT ID 605PED/21.06.2022
Project ID: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2884
PROJECT TITLE: MAPLE deposition of active nanocoating for multifunctional applications of TiTaZrAg alloy
ABSTRACT: This project refers to the design, elaboration and characterization of a new type of nanostructured multilayered smart coating by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE) onTiTaZrAg substrates, especially aiming to obtain final materials with good bio-activation andmultifunctional applications. The scientific and technological importance of the project topic isthat Ti quaternary alloys with rare elements are a promising class of structural alloys not enoughdeveloped despite of their capability to operate in aggressive conditions, being in fact mediumhigh entropy alloys. Their properties have recently emerged as alternative materials to addresssome of the unsolved issues regarding the multifunctional performance due to their constituentsand microstructure. The new innovative constituents of organic-inorganic coatings will lead tothe formation of advanced materials with enhanced properties such as better corrosion resistance,improved mechanical properties and high antibacterial properties, leading to potential use inmultifunctional applications. The coatings will be composed of chitosan (Ch), bioactive glass(BG), graphene oxide (GO), titanium and zinc oxide nanoparticles (TiO2, ZnO). Ch will serveas carrier scaffold, BG and/or GO will serve as functional group carriers and the proposednanoparticles will serve as mechanical properties enhancers. The applications that we will betesting the proposed coatings for are mainly directed towards developing patient specific,personalized, drug-delivery platform, better implant integration and improved corrosion andmechanical properties of implanted device.
MAJOR OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT The main scope of the present proposal is to introduce novel advanced coatings capable of extending the applications of a new titanium (Ti) alloy using an eco-nanotechnology route. As a part of the scope, the general objective consists in finding and validating greener nanotechnologies such as MAPLE able to deposit a multifunctional coatings by improving and enlarging the properties of TiTaZrAg.
1. ANALYTICAL BALANCE 2. CHITOSAN 3. Zinc Oxide 4. Graphene Oxide
Scientific reports 2022: view>> 2023: view>> 2024: view>> FINAL REPORT 2022-2024: view>>
Published articles 1. Nartita, R.; Andrei, M.; Ionita, D.; Didilescu, A.C.; Demetrescu, I. Can Graphene Oxide Help to Prevent Peri-Implantitis in the Case of Metallic Implants? Coatings 2022, 12, 1202.view>> 2. Prodana, M.; Ionita, D.; Stoian, A.B.; Demetrescu, I.; Mihai, G.V.; En?chescu, M. The Design and Characterization of New Chitosan, Bioglass and ZnO-Based Coatings on Ti-Zr-Ta-Ag. Coatings 2023, 13, 493.view>>
3. Stoian, A.B.; Nartita, R.; Totea, G.; Ionita, D.; Burnei, C. Complex Bioactive Chitosan–Bioglass Coatings on a New Advanced TiTaZrAg Medium–High-Entropy Alloy. Coatings 2023, 13, 971.view>> 4.Demetrescu, I.; Nartita, R.; Andrei, M.; Didilescu, A.C.; Cimpean, A.; Ionita, D. Technological Aspects and Performance of High Entropy Alloys with Potential Application in Dental Restorations and Reducing Implant Failure. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 12000.view>>Conferences 1. Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Mariana Prodana, Georgeta Totea, Ioana Demetrescu, Marian Enachescu, Daniela Ionita, Bioapplications of electrosprayed coatings based on chitosan, bioglass and zinc oxide on Ti-Zr-Ta-Ag, 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>> 2. Marius Enachescu, Moise Calin-Constantin, George Avram, Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Mariana Prodana, Daniela Ionita, Multifunctional nano-coatings by MAPLE deposition on titanium alloy for bio-applications, 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>> 3. Mariana Prodana, Marian Enachescu, Moise Calin-Constantin, George Avram, Andrei Bogdan Stoian, Daniela Ionita, Nanocoatings Prepared by MAPLE Deposition Based on Chitosan (Ch), Bioactive Glass (BG), Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO), 9th Nanotech and Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy view>>